More About Us...

If you're like us, then you're obsessed with everything and anything relating to the Sims 2. In our travels over the net, we have exchanges tons of information and links to our favorites and we decided to go ahead and share them with you. We search the net for the best FREE Sims 2 stuff, so you don't have to. Enjoy!

We Love Submissions...

Do you have some information, downloads, movies, etc., that you think the Sims 2 Community would be interested in? Great...Then, please submit the links. The internet is a vast place and it's hard for us to find every great FREE Sims 2 related item, so we would love to heard from everyone about different links, movies, articles, etc. We hope to hear from you soon!

First Sims 2 Movie You Ever Watched?

Anytime that I meet someone in the Sims 2 community, I always ask "What was the first Sims 2 video/movie that you ever watched?"

I'm pretty sure that the first Sims 2 Movie that I ever watched was "Standing Alone " by Decorgal.

In my endless search for new downloads and furniture for my Sims 2 game, I had seen a link for a site called and I decided to browse through and see what I could find. Imagine my surprise when I realized that it was a Sims movie site!

So I clicked on a link for a movie called "Standing Alone" and was completely amazed! As I watched the move I was pulled in by the story-line, the characters, the beautiful scenery, etc. These weren't just in game characters anymore…These things had personalities, depth. ..I was hooked after that! I actually found myself up till 4am the next morning watching video after video. I even got in trouble at work cause I was more concentrated on searching the net for Sims 2 video, than searching the net for information for our clients.

This movie has been upgraded from the original...Although I am more used to the original version, I also love the updated version as well. For those of you who haven't heard of "Standing Alone", you can check out the movie here.

What was the first Sims 2 movie you ever saw?


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